Measurement For The Aerospace Industry
Our roots extend to the 1950’s when then, Edmunds Manufacturing Company served as a strategic vendor to the likes of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft (now a division of United Technologies), Avco Lycoming Engines, Sikorsky Helicopter, and Chandler Evans. In our early days, Edmunds not only provided precise cylindrical and functional gaging for numerous tight tolerance applications, we also served as a large diameter precision grinding and hard chrome-plating vendor to most of these companies.
Today we continue the tradition of service to the aerospace industries with functional gages, precise masters, block calibration services and the design and build of many special needs applications.

Ceramic TAM Gages
Electronic Bore Plugs for Aircraft “Skins”
Air Gaging For Turbine Fans
Hydraulics Valve Spools

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
(860) 677-2813

Toll Free 877-521-5818