Durable, reliable LVDT gage probes
Our gage probes are designed for use with Edmunds' TrendsetterTM, Accu-SetterTM columns, Accu-Touch, and Epic-CAG gaging amplifiers. These Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) gage probes operate with two, small electrical transformers which share a single core. When the core is centrally located between the two coils, the output is balanced or zeroed. When the core is physically displaced, the output of the two coils becomes unequal, with one coil increasing in output and the other decreasing. The measure of the core's movement is then recorded by these unequal outputs to represent true linear displacement or changes in size. Packaged in what is commonly known as cartridge or pencil configurations, Edmunds Gages' probes are available in several configurations:

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
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