Air gaging is one of Edmunds' core measurement technologies. We have developed a two-master, back-pressure bleed system which is the most accurate air gaging method to use. Specific information about the history of air gaging, how it works, the various systems, and our wide range of tooling may be found in our catalog which you can download or view right now from this page. You can also link to particular air gaging product pages or an air gage ordering worksheet. Please Contact us for additional information.
*The Acrobat document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. (Click here to visit Adobe and download the software). To view, simply click the link. To download the .pdf file to your hard drive in the Windows OS, hold down the shift key as you click on the link. In the Mac OS, CTRL-click to save the file.
A copy of the Edmunds "Cylindricals" Brochure is available for the asking. Contact us by phone or email. or view/download the AdobeAcrobat PDF version now.
Air Gaging vs. Contact Gaging
Checking Centrality
Checking Nozzle Balance
How can I tell if my air tooling is worn?
Air Plugs
Air Rings
Air Snaps
Air Amplifiers
Air Accessories
See Also:
Air Gaging

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
(860) 677-2813

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