Everyday O.D. Comparator

Time-proven technology -- measure O.D.s quickly and accurately with our high magnification comparator
Our rugged industrial O.D. comparator stand outfitted with our Trendsetter II electronic column detects and captures the dynamic peak of cylindrical parts instantly and accurately. Cylindrical pieces are simply and quickly swept past the measuring contacts of our time proven single-head comparator. This measuring system is suited for close tolerance applications featuring selectable scales starting at .0002" full scale with .000002" resolution. The reset circuit can be activated manually or automatically by programming the time delays. Enhancing its versatility, it can operate in either English or Metric modes.
See Also:
Know Your Gage Block Basics
Metrology Comparators
Universal ID/OD Comparator
Metrology Equipment Brochure - PDF

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
(860) 677-2813

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