Metrology Equipment

A copy of the Edmunds "Metrology Equipment Brochure" is available for the asking. Contact us by phone, email or view/download* the Adobe Acrobat PDF version now

Gaging at .0000001" resolution
Twin-head gage block comparators and universal internal/external comparators are a vital part of our product line. Gage calibration services, too – either in our Sub-Millionths Laboratory or on-site at your facility – are yours for the asking. Why use Edmunds metrology products and services? Our comparators are considered the "lab standard" by the top metrology laboratories in the world. In fact, many refer them as the "gold" standard both for their premier quality and their attractive, metallic gold finish.
Gage Block Comparators
Our 20" twin-head gage block comparator answered a great need in the industry for an ultra-precise comparator that could handle blocks from 0 to 20" – the full range of a standard set of gage blocks. For users who don't need the full range, we offer the same benefits in our smaller comparator for up to 4" blocks. It offers a choice of readout resolutions as small as .0000001" (one tenth of one millionth of an inch). Our exclusive step cam allows swift calibration of Metric or English blocks.

Universal Internal/External Comparator
Our Universal Internal/External Comparator is the backbone of many calibration labs around the world. It's primarily used to calibrate class X, XX, and XXX master rings and precision parts. It offers a wide capacity internal measurement range of .040" - 12"; external up to 11" and superb repeatability and accuracy within .000001".
For our Universal/External Comparators...
Calibration Kit
Want to check repeatability, calibration and linearity easily? Use this convenient kit specially made for our universal comparators which includes a set of three class XXX ring gages.
Finger Sets
Our extended range finger sets allow you to measure internal diameters from .040" (1.00mm) to 13.25" (337mm) To request additional information, Contact us.

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
(860) 677-2813

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