Edmunds Twin-Head Gage Block Comparators are designed and manufactured to handle the full range of gage block sizes and calibrate at a resolution of .0000001 inch. Resolutions of .0000002 inch, .0000005 inch or .000001 inch are also selectable. Edmunds offers two size ranges: a 20 inch Ultra-Precision Twin-Head Gage Block Comparator for gage blocks from 0 to 20 inches ( 0 to 508 mm), and a smaller 5 inch version designed to calibrate up to 4 inch ( 101 mm) blocks. Both units provide true point-to- point measurement. They feature two heads with individual power supplies, amplifier circuits and controls. A panel control can switch the comparator to single head operation when desired.
To request complete specifications and pricing information on Edmunds Twin-Head Gage Block Comparators, Contact us.
Gage Block Comparators

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
(860) 677-2813

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