Trendsetter II is a programmable single feature gaging amplifier featuring two quick change modules – air or electronic. It’s the best-selling gage readout in manufacturing today. Typical dimensions that can be measured using Trendsetter II include ID, OD, width, length, height, and thickness. Dynamic values include TIR, parallelism, roundness, tapers and max or min peaks. A tri-color LED display provides instantly recognizable results as good, oversize, or undersize. You can choose inch or metric values to be displayed. For your convenience, data can off offloaded to a PC, handheld or printer. For even greater flexibility, several Trendsetter II units can be connected for multiple feature checks or in automatic gaging applications.
To request full specifications and pricing information, Contact Us.
See Also:
Trendsetter II Brochure - PDF
Air Gaging
Air Rings
Air Snaps
Air Plugs
Air Gaging Basics
Air Gaging Brochure - PDF
Enhance Your Benchtop Gaging System
Glossary of Gaging Terms
Trendsetter II Column Amplifier

Air and Electronic Amplifiers
You can watch up to 4 single element gaging tools, or one as shown, that can be either electronic, or air gages, with docking air-to-electronic unit. Easy to read dial type displays, each with a digital value, and limit indicator. The simple programming make Edmunds Gages Accu-Touch the perfect human interface for your toughest dimensional measurement need!
For additional detailed information click here

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
(860) 677-2813

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