(Farmington, CT) Edmunds Gages has released Version 4.0 of its Accu-Setter microprocessor column amplifier, which according to the company, is the most advanced column in the world. The column has several new features, including the ability to display the measurement of up to four checks. One gage can measure four features of a single part, or operators can use up to four different gaging fixtures with the Accu-Setter at the same time. The Accu-Setter can be configured for either air-electronic or electronic dimensional measurement applications. Further, up to six programs can now be stored in the memory of the column. Simple selection of a particular program through the software routine allows faster and easier changeover between setups.
Other new and unique features on the Accu-Setter include Auto Recognition, which enables the Accu-Setter to automatically identify which gage is being used in a multiple fixture application. For example, if there are two gages connected to the Accu-Setter, the system will automatically display the correct gage being applied to the part. The operator does not have to manually select the correct fixture he wants displayed on the column.
Another new software capability is Auto Reset, which in dynamic gaging applications, allows the user to program a time delay to reset the display before measurements are taken. Auto Reset eliminates the need for the operator to manually reset the gage each time he takes a new measurement. This feature is particularly helpful during multiple check or multiple fixture applications. The time delay can be programmed from 1 to 10 seconds.

The Accu-Guide personal computer software is an option for the Accu-Setter Version 4.0. Users can program the Accu-Setter on a personal computer offline and upload the information into the column. Data from the Accu-Setter can be remotely requested from a personal computer and the gaging data can be downloaded to a data collector, computer, or printer.
The Accu-Setter Version 4.0 retains the "easy to operate" practicality that has made this column so widely used in industry. Virtually all operations are controlled by a single button. An easy-to-read L.E.D. alphanumeric display prompts users step-by-step through setup and gaging functions. An L.E.D. bargraph and other indicators provide at-a-glance monitoring of part measurement.

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
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