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Directions From:
Hartford/Springfield (Bradley International Airport) - Follow Rt. 20 East to I-91 South. In Hartford, take I-84 West to exit #38 (Route 6 Bristol). Go straight off ramp for 4 miles and 6 lights. At 6th light, turn left into Farmington Industrial Park, Spring Lane. Edmunds Gages is 5th facility on the right.
84 West (Hartford) - take exit #38 (Route 6 Bristol). Go straight off ramp for 4 miles and 6 lights. At 6th light, turn left into Farmington Industrial Park, Spring Lane. Edmunds Gages is 5th facility on the right.
84 East (Danbury) - Take exit #33 (Route 72 West Bristol) to exit #1 (Washington Ave). Turn right off ramp onto Rt. 177 to first light. Turn right onto Northwest Dr. and then left onto Spring Lane. Edmunds Gages is 5th facility on the left.
91 North (New Haven) - Take Rt. 691 West in Meriden to I-84 East. Follow directions from I-84 East.
91 South - Follow Directions from Hartford/Springfield Airport.

A New Dimension In Precision Measurement
(860) 677-2813